Edmonton Home Renovation Blog | Peak Improvements

Seven Amazing Backsplash Styles to Inspire your Edmonton Renovation

Written by Rick St Laurent | Aug 15, 2017 5:53:00 PM

Renovating your kitchen isn’t just about the big picture. Besides your cabinet choices, your countertops, and even your appliances, the smaller details, like faucets and fixtures, and even your kitchen backsplash will make a dramatic difference in the overall aesthetic composition of your cooking space. Take a look at these seven different backsplash style ideas to liven up your reno project.

Crackled Ceramic

Ceramic subway tiles are all too common in kitchens and baths these days. Yet, adding a touch of artisanal flair with a simple glaze over crackled tiles (in any color) creates a posh and somewhat exotic feel to your kitchen space.

Dark Grout

In addition to sprucing up your ceramic subway tiles with crackling, another option is to go for dark grout. Traditionally white tiles are paired with white grout – an impressive statement would be dark gray grout interlaced between your bright white to really catch the eye.

Natural Stone

Instead of a tiled backsplash, consider a larger slab of stone, perhaps to match your granite or marble countertops. You’d be surprised at how the patterned flow of the natural stone on both the countertop and the backsplash adds dimension.

Large Format Tile

Forget the smaller tiled look and go for large format tile for your backsplash. Really large – like 18”x18”, if you have the space. No longer are these ceramics reserved for the floor or fireplace. When paired with just the right hues everywhere else in the kitchen, these tile slabs are quite amazing (not to mention easy to clean)!

Reclaimed Wood

What about forgoing the tile idea all together and reaching for beautiful planks of reclaimed wood for your backsplash? When properly sealed, just like a kitchen countertop, the beautiful grain in old wooden planks adds a rustic and chic look to any kitchen.


It may sound crazy and busy, but the addition of an old-style harlequin design in warm colors can really add a playful touch to your cooking space and bar area. If you really enjoy entertaining, this may be a great style option for you.

Painted glass Panel

Yep, we said painted glass, an emerging modern design feature that enhances the look of your kitchen. Laser mesured and precision cut to fit perfectly on your kitchen backsplash walls and you can have it in any colour you want. With very few seams to trap yuck, this is a good option for thoses who want endless colour options with a clean smooth look in the kitchen!

Want to learn more about kitchen design for your upcoming renovation? Download our Kitchen Design Guide and begin the planning process!